Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Summer Camp

In the midst of divorce, in the height of crisis and turmoil day after day, locked in the throes of litigation and courtroom battles, one right after the other, you might wonder how my small army of elite litigators keep their heads straight.

They don't.

No, really, they do.  I was just making that up.

We try to lead normal lives even though we take home with us the experiences that our clients share and the knowledge we glean from day after day courtroom battles. 

For example, this week, when I get the chance, I'm looking at summer camps.  I have three children, all  boys.  The two oldest are a long way from the days of summer camps, but my youngest is definitely down for some cool summer experiences.  And I am knee deep in assessing our summer options for his bright and inquiring mind. 

We have our usual standbys that I wouldn't think of leaving out, a week of sports camp, a week of nature camp, even a week of art camp which he has taken to, but what about the remaining weeks of the summer?  Sure, vacation will occupy a week, maybe two if we're real lucky, but since my wife and I both work, we want to provide him with enhanced learning opportunities, though I wouldn't begrudge him a few weeks just lazing around being bored during the hazy days of summer.

And how about you?  Summer comes whether we are ready or not. Summer comes and we've got to get organized for our kids. Our kids look to us to carry on as usual, no matter the trials, tribulations or ordeals we may be privately facing. 

And, in a sense, that's a very good thing.  Our kids help us stay centered, focused on the long term, focused on the good things. I think we need them every bit as much as they need us.

Bless our kids in every way and may their summers be wonderful.

Michael Manely

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